Purple FTW! Podcast

We have thoughts on "internet trolls" attacking Minnesota Fightin' Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins on social media. Plus we forecast where we thing the big name free agent and NFL Draft QBs end up calling home in 2019. Later Jordan Reid (@JReidNFL) of Cover-1, Climbing the Pocket and The Draft Board Podcast. swings by to talk about the big Draft storylines and also tight ends the Vikes should be interested in. 

All that and more "Don't Feed The Trolls" chatter on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

A Carlson Digital Joint

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Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
created by & produced by deeB.
To hear more of his tracks, check out http://soundcloud.com/deeb


Direct download: 712.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am CST