Fri, 27 June 2014
Fake Ad Reads: Lil G's Dentristry
Andy Carlson of the Purple FTW podcast here to tell you about Lil G's Dentistry |
Thu, 26 June 2014
What's cooler than being cool? Being Di Murphy (@DiMurphyMN) or The Daily Norseman & Hockey Wilderness obviously.
Direct download: Purple_FTW_Podcast_-_Ep_43_-_Summer_Shenanigans_with_Di_Murphy_of_The_Daily_Norseman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:41pm CST |
Tue, 17 June 2014
Arif Hasan, the Editor of Vikings Territory & Cover 32-Vikings, stopped in and dropped Hot Fire Takes like Dylan (Dylan. Dylan, Dylan, & Dylan).
Direct download: Purple_FTW_Podcast_-_Ep_42_-_Hot_Fire_Takes_with_Arif_Hasan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:16pm CST |
Mon, 9 June 2014
Lindsey Young of Vikings Territory & Timberpups (@LindseyMNSports on the Twitter Machine)) drops in to talk everything Minnesota Vikings & Timberwolves in a no-holds barred, steel cage deathmatch of informed, coherent knowledge bombs.
Direct download: Purple_FTW_Podcast_-_Ep_41_-_Vikings__Wolves_feat_Lindsey_Young_of_Vikings_Territory__Timberpups.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:22pm CST |
Tue, 3 June 2014
"The Voiceover Guy" (TVG) stops in to chat about everything NFL, degenerate behavior, and Britishness.
Direct download: Purple_FTW_Podcast_-_Ep_40_-_Degen_Chat_with_the_Voiceover_Guy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm CST |