Purple FTW! Podcast

Fake Ad Reads: Lil G's Dentristry


Andy Carlson of the Purple FTW podcast here to tell you about Lil G's Dentistry

It's grilling season boys and girls.

And I'm not talking about brats, burgers, & and chicken. NO!

I'm talking about ice on your grillz, baby!

Dentist Lil G and his partner Jakob Mescovitz will make sure your teeth
are blinged out for summer.

I'm talkin' gold, I'm talkin' silver, I'm talkin' platinums, rubyies.

Any sort of precious metal you want sodered onto your pearly whites, G and Mescovitz can Do it.

Now They are NOT incorporated.
The do NOT carry liability insurance.
And they only take. straight cash homie because they don't file taxes...

Tell em that Purple FTW sent you, and you'll get your 11th tooth FREE. (After you pay for 10 up front)

So what are you waiting for? Get your ass down to Lil G's Dentistry & get your grill on, son!

Their number is 651-555-Teef. T-E-E-F. 651-555-TEEF. One last time 651-555-TEEF

Bling bling. Bling Bl-ow.

Direct download: FAR_-_01_-_Lil_Gs_Dentistry.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm CST

What's cooler than being cool? Being Di Murphy (@DiMurphyMN) or The Daily Norseman & Hockey Wilderness obviously.

Our good friend joined us on the show to talk about anything and everything.

Topics included, but were not limited to:
-World Cup Noob Talk
-Summer Summertime Adventures
-Does Ted Glover (@purplebuckeye) own a necklace of ears? Tbd...
-Beef with Dan Barreiro
-The story behind the ill-fated Jeff Dubay Podcast formerly of The Tom Barnard Network
-Her LEAST favorite local sports personalities. (Dun, dun, dun)
-The importance of using the 'JK'
-Twitter Stalking. The creepiness of DMs (Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy)
-Andy explains Tinder to Di
-Bleeped cursing is funnier than cursing cursing
-Di's going to Vikings Training Camp for The Daily Norseman! (Snoopy Dance!)
-Howard Sinker (@afansview) is awesome. That is all.
-Teddy Bridgewater Love
-Di thinks Johnny Manziel will be the greatest player in NFL history... (JK)
-Gronk Entourage = Gronktourage
-Takes on previous Vikings Head Coaches: Brad Childress, Leslie Fraizer
-Thoughts on the NEW Vikings coaching staff (All in with Zim)
-Former Vikings Coordinators winning Rings
-Jerry Kill rocks our socks off
-Her divorce from Kevin Love
-KG > K-Love. Now & Forever
-LeBron James to the Minnesota Timberwolves? (Hello)
-Ronny Turiaf is the Key to the T-Wolves rebuild...
-LeBron-Melo-Pek are the NBA's new Big 3. (Also Jonny Flynn)
-N*SYNC. Where are they now?
-Samantha Ponder Twitter Blocking Game
-Minnesota Wild hockey. Get some.
-Roleplaying: Di interviews "Teddy Bridgewater"
-Di & Kent Hrbek: A Love Story
-The Hunger Games. Because why not.
-SEO. SEO. SEO. This is written for SEO...

The Purple FTW! Podcast is also available on iTunes. Get all up in that.

An Andy Carlson Joint.

Follow us on Twitter @PurpleForTheWin
Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com/
Subscribe to Podcast on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Q6EKaN

Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
   created by & produced by deeB.
To hear more of his tracks, check out:

Arif Hasan, the Editor of Vikings Territory & Cover 32-Vikings, stopped in and dropped Hot Fire Takes like Dylan (Dylan. Dylan, Dylan, & Dylan).

Hot Fire Takes like:
-Percy Harvin Retrospective
-2014 Draft Thoughts
-Rick Spielman Love
-Mike Zimmer/Norv Turner Analysis. Also WTH is George Edwards?
-Why does Chad Greenway suck?
-The Left Guard Spot (dun dun dun)
-Josh Robinson & the Defensive Backfield
-The Defensive Line Rotation
-Arif explains soccer to me. World Cup (USA! USA! USA!)
-Mike Priefer Report dropping soon. What does it mean for Priefer, the Vikings, & Chris Kluwe?
-30 for 30: Factory of Sadness
-How much Arif sleeps per night (Spoiler: Not a lot)
-Cordarrelle Patterson love.

The Purple FTW! Podcast is also available on iTunes. Get all up in that.

An Andy Carlson Joint.

Follow us on Twitter @PurpleForTheWin
Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com/
Subscribe to Podcast on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Q6EKaN

Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
   created by & produced by deeB.
To hear more of his tracks, check out:

Direct download: Purple_FTW_Podcast_-_Ep_42_-_Hot_Fire_Takes_with_Arif_Hasan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:16pm CST

Lindsey Young of Vikings Territory & Timberpups (@LindseyMNSports on the Twitter Machine)) drops in to talk everything Minnesota Vikings & Timberwolves in a no-holds barred, steel cage deathmatch of informed, coherent knowledge bombs.

Knowledge Bombs like:
-Vikings outlook for 2014
-Minneapolis Super Bowl
-Tales from Bud Grant's Garage Sale
-Teddy Bridgewater > Johnny Manziel
-Her interviews with Marcus Sherels, EJ Henderson, & Matt Blair
-Lindsey has a Michael Bennett jersey (for some reason)
-Mark Madsen: Bad dancer, good interview
-Kevin Garnett > Kevin Love
-The State of the Minnesota Timberwolves (Oy!)
-Holy Anthony Peeler References, Batman.
-Women in Sports Media
-The Greatness of Cordarrelle Patterson (Before he becomes a Raider)
-Lots of other Schtuff!

Listen in and listen often. The Purple FTW! Podcast is also available on iTunes. Hit that.

An Andy Carlson Joint.

Follow us on Twitter @PurpleForTheWin
Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com/
Subscribe to Podcast on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Q6EKaN

Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
   created by & produced by deeB.
To hear more of his tracks, check out:

"The Voiceover Guy" (TVG) stops in to chat about everything NFL, degenerate behavior, and Britishness.

Stuff like:
-His score on the Seattle Seahawks last season
-Approach to betting the NFL week to week
-The NFL in London. Would a team based there fly?
-Minnesota Vikings at 100/1
-Hedging Bets: When, Why, & How
-The Gauntlet
-Las vegas stories

An Andy Carlson Joint.

Follow us on Twitter @PurpleForTheWin
Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com/
Subscribe to Podcast on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Q6EKaN

Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
   created by & produced by deeB.
To hear more of his tracks, check out:

Direct download: Purple_FTW_Podcast_-_Ep_40_-_Degen_Chat_with_the_Voiceover_Guy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm CST