Purple FTW! Podcast

Jared Allen hung em up after 12 NFL seasons including 6 with the Minnesota Fightin' Vikings. He's one of my all-time favorite Vikings and I eulogize his career during the intro of the show. We then have a chat with Brandon Kraniger (@skolszn) about his All-22 work on the Vikes and what he saw this season.

All that and other "Culinary Academy" nonsense on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast.

An Andy Carlson Joint

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Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com
Producer Credit: Daniel Paluch @DanielPaluch - http://twitter.com/DanielPaluch
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Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
created by & produced by deeB.
To hear more of his tracks, check out http://soundcloud.com/deeb

Direct download: Episode_252_-_Goodbye_Jared_Allen__Vikings_Chat_with_Brandon_Kraniger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am CST