Purple FTW! Podcast

yler joined me for a guerilla ambush episode.

Even less prep (somehow) than normal shows, just a lot of shoot from the hip talk and opinions about big sports topics of the day.

Hip shots like:
-Biggest Vikings winner of the preseason.
-TWolves introduction at the MN State Fair.
-Josh Shaw & USC. (Sark shoulda stayed in Washington)
-Notre Dame academic scandal.
-Roger Goodell admitting he was wrong on Ray Rice. Stiffens domestic violence punishments.
-Josh Gordon is a dummy.
-Marijuana in the NFL.
-Adrian Peterson as a Dallas Cowboy.
-Jim Harbaugh will end up in Ann Arbor next season.
-Wes Welker & concussions. Why continue?

All that and six bags of chips on the Purple FTW! Podcast

An Andy Carlson Joint.

Follow us on Twitter @PurpleForTheWin
Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com/
Subscribe to Podcast on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Q6EKaN

Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
   created by & produced by deeB.
To hear more of his tracks, check out:

Direct download: Episode_58.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:21pm CST