Purple FTW! Podcast

Andy's joined by Tyler for the new Q&A segment: Crossfire (Dun Dun Dun Dun-Dun)

Topics Covered
-The 5 (Football) People You Meet in Heaven.
-What happens if Johnny Manziel is there at 8?
-Biggest Impact FA for the Jets?
-Week 1 first: TDs, injuries, surprise players?
-Adrian Peterson's future with the Vikings?
-The New Vikings Stadium.
-What Andy would buy with $1 million, the answer may surprise you. (Hint: It's Green Bay Packers related)

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Visit the Website: http://purpleftw.com/
Subscribe to Podcast on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Q6EKaN

Music for the Purple FTW! podcast is
   created by & produced by deeB.
To hear more of his tracks, check out:

Direct download: Purple_FTW_Podcast_-_Ep_33_-_Crossfire_ft_Tyler_Buss.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:27pm CST